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Monday, June 17, 2013

What's eating your child? - Book review

If you have messaged me for advice on your childs health I've more than likely mentioned this book to you and recommend you read it.

Kelly Dorfman is a nutritionist whose typical patient arrives at her practise after seeing three or more specialist and offers parents the tools to become nutrition detectives themselves to work through their child's food issues and finally get kids off the drugs like antibiotics, laxatives, Prozac, Ritalin (that are so commonly prescribed to mask their ailments) and gets them back to a natural state of wellbeing.

The book covers many food and childhood ailments from anxiety, recurring ear infections, stomach aches, picky eating, rashes, ADHD and more.

Each ailment comes with a real life patient case to describe the issue and practical ways to overcome these issues.

I read this book quite some time ago and have reread it many times since as it provides such good information in a very easy to understand manner. It also gave me some real "light bulb" moments very early on in our healing journey with Master 3's health and eczema.

Below are just some of the case scenarios discussed in the book:

Picky Eaters
Gluten sensitivity
Chicken Skin (deficiency in essential fatty acids which stems from our low fat obsessed world)
Sleep issues
Behavioural issues
Ear Infections
ADHD & Spectrum Disorders
Pesticides and chemicals affecting our children
Delayed speech
Sensory processing issues

All these issues stem back to food that a child is consuming (or in some cases not consuming and that they should be)

Check out your local library to see if they have the book or it can be purchased online in Ebook versions or also in print from many online bookstores.

I personally think every parent should read this book, Kelly has definitely provided a wealth of information in some very tricky situations that the general medical profession tend to brush off and medicate without getting to the root of the problem.



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